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Diary of an Org Admin

Aug 23, 2024

2 min read




Let’s take the plunge into the world of webinars!

Thursday 19th September via Zoom at 10am

This year I worked on Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival of as an Organisation Administrator, “Org Admin”, and kept track of how it works which I thought would be valuable for me to offer this service going forward.  I am so glad I did as it appeals to my internal need for order, but in hindsight I realised that if I share it will be really helpful to those starting out on their show garden journey.

I want to help more gardens to be planted, to help the planet, and show gardens can help with that and it is good fun!

I have helped with six show gardens from 2016 through to 2024, all with an increasing need for an administrator as technology has progressed. This year the RHS has recommended that one person from each show garden is nominated as their “Org Admin” to have access to their online portal.

The RHS provides a lot of videos to help with the Show Garden process but the “Org Admin” does not feature apart from the comment by the panellist that it can be overwhelming!  I don’t think it’s overwhelming as it can be solved with a little planning, and the timeline I will share in my webinar.

Please, if you know anyone thinking of doing a show garden, I would appreciate if you would share this post.

Needless to say, this is free as it is my first attempt, but those who know me will concur, I’m not backward in coming forward when I have something to say and hopefully it will be fun too!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Join Zoom Meeting 19th Sept @10am duration 40 mins

Meeting ID: 864 6684 4759 Passcode: 4rzp2R

Aug 23, 2024

2 min read





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